Wild Geese Players of Seattle

Apr 15, 2015

2015 Bloomsday Press Release

The Other Bloomsday 2015 — Press Release

The Wild Geese Players of Seattle will present a staged reading of Chapter 2, “Nestor”, and Chapter 5, “The Lotus Eaters”, adapted from the 1922 edition of James Joyce’s Ulysses, on 2pm on Saturday, June 20th, 2015, at The Seattle Central Library, 1000 Fourth Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 Map.

Donations towards costs of posters and props are welcome.

For this year’s reading of Ulysses, the Wild Geese Players are continuing last year’s approach of following Joyce’s timeline for June 16th, rather than reading the chapters in strict linear order. We’ll once again interweave the texts to highlight the parallel journeys of Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus during the novel’s ten o’clock hour.

In chapter 2 (“Nestor”), Stephen Dedalus, possibly Ireland’s most lackluster schoolmaster, manages to get through a truncated set of lessons—but not without continued ruminations about his mother, mothering in general, and earlier annoyances by Mulligan and Haines. Later, collecting his pay (already spent) from headmaster Deasy, possibly Ireland’s most enthusiastic defender of cattle, Stephen endures a review of Deasy’s perspectives on life, money, and Irish history—generously larded with expectable points regarding the role of Jews in world affairs.

Meanwhile, in chapter 5 (“Lotus-Eaters”), Leopold Bloom continues making his way to Paddy Dignam’s funeral—but along the way, there are of course several Things To Be Done. From the post office, he receives a letter from his love-interest-by-mail (not put off by his last letter); stops in to a Catholic church service to reflect on theological matters; runs an errand for Molly at the chemists’, and picks up a bar of soap for himself; and inadvertently supplies a betting tip to an acquaintance on his way to the baths, where he envisions himself relaxing in full flower.

The reading is expected to take about 90 minutes.

The Wild Geese Players perform staged readings of Irish literature, by writers such as James Joyce and W.B. Yeats, throughout the Seattle area. We are a diverse group of people with an interest in Irish literature, and most of us are either Irish-born or have Irish connections. More generally, the Wild Geese refers to the Irish diaspora, after the original Wild Geese, exiled Irish soldiers and their descendants who served in European armies in the 16th–18th centuries.

Contact: www.WildGeeseSeattle.org | WildGeeseSeattle@gmail.com